Main Guild Website

For the most Up to Date Information, visit our main guild website at:

Eudora Quilt Guild General Infomation - FAQ

The Eudora Quilt Guild - formerly the Eudora Quilting Bees welcome you to our blogger site.

All official guild pictures will be found on our website:

The guild also has a Facebook group:

Please note this website is mainly used as a placeholder for searches and some general online information about our guild. This website does not get updated on a regular basis, so a general post about our group will hopefully help others know more about us.

Some items of note - written Feb 2017, updated May 2018:

  1. Our guild meetings are held the second Tuesday of each month, except December, at 6:00 PM at Eudora's Quilting Bits and Pieces quilt shop. This is at 8th and Main in Eudora, Kansas, USA. No meeting is held in December, and our holiday dinner at the November meeting may or may not be held offsite. The time has changed as of May 2018. Please make note.
  2. We are currently one of the participating guilds at Kansas City Regional Quilt Festival (KCRQF). KCRQF shows are held bi-annually in odd years. The current Festival is June 13 through June 15, 2019. The festival is put on by the guild members and has a judged portion of the show, a guild portion of the show, vendors, and classes, and is held at the Overland Park Convention Center.
  3. Our local guild member show is held bi-annually in even years. The Eudora Quilt Guild show is typically in early July. The location for the Eudora Show is the Eudora Methodist Church and has moved from the Eudora Middle School. The most current show is July 13 & 14, 2018 at Eudora Methodist Church. Hope to see you there!
  4. We are a small but mighty guild, dues are $20 for the year, we try to have a speaker or project at every meeting, except November. November is our guild holiday dinner. We have a business portion, refreshments, and show and tell at every meeting. If you're in the local area - we have members from all over nearby - come give us a look around.
  5. Our guild has one annual quilting retreat, held at Tall Oaks Conference center in Linwood, Kansas. This is typically held on President's Day weekend, from Saturday afternoon to Tuesday afternoon.
  6. We make opportunity quilt every other year, and are currently working on the quilt for 2019 which will be shown at the KCRQF. Pictures of the opportunity quilt will be at the shutterfly website noted above once available.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

2013 Quilt show has come and gone

The 2013 Quilt show has passed for this year.

We had a very fun time looking at all the quilts,

speaking with our featured quilter, Arlene

viewing the silent auction,

selling fabric and quilting items at the garage sale,

talking with vendors,

tallying up viewer's choice results,

offering someone the chance to win the Opportunity Quilt,

getting to know our fellow guild members, and of course viewing wonderful quilts from the Eudora Quilting Bees.

There is still a chance to win the opportunity quilt, as the drawing for the quilt is now in November. Come to Quilting Bits & Pieces for more information about the opportunity quilt.

The meetings are held the 2nd Tuesday of each month except for December at Quilting Bits & Pieces at 6:30 PM.  Come be a part of our group if you are local. We are a small, but friendly group.

For full-on pictures of each of our quilts from the show, please go to the guild website at:

We are considering helping with the "Greater Kansas City" quilt show in 2015 which is the same year as our next scheduled quilt show.  More details about any changes to the quilt show schedule will be found as journal entries on the website above.

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Please come to the Eudora Quilting Bees 2013 Quilt Show

LOCAL QUILT SHOW: Eudora Quilt Show

Eudora Quilting Bees main website is:

Please come to the Eudora Quilt Show in a few weeks.

The 2013 Eudora Quilt show will be held on Friday July 12 from 10 - 5, and on Saturday from 10 - 3

The Eudora Quilt show is held at Eudora Middle school.

Eudora is located between Lawrence and Kansas City on Kansas Highway 10 (K-10).

The middle school is on the south side of town. Turn left on Church Street if coming from K-10 from the Kansas City side.  Turn right  if coming from the Lawrence side.  Second large school on the right (west) side.

Address of the Eudora Middle School is: 2635 Church St., P.O. Box 701. Eudora, KS 66025-0701

Admission is $5.00 for the show.

There will be plenty of quilts, plenty of vendors, charity quilt auction, opportunity quilt, famous garage sale, and many, many quilts from our featured quilter: Arlene Lawson

Show is held bi-annually.  Come on in and take a look!

Once the quilt show is over, pictures of the quilts will be posted on the Eudora Quilting Bees website but it is SO MUCH BETTER to come see them in person!

Hope to see you all soon!