LOCAL QUILT SHOW: Eudora Quilt Show
Eudora Quilting Bees main website is: http://eudoraquiltingbees.shutterfly.com/Please come to the Eudora Quilt Show in a few weeks.
The 2013 Eudora Quilt show will be held on Friday July 12 from 10 - 5, and on Saturday from 10 - 3
The Eudora Quilt show is held at Eudora Middle school.
Eudora is located between Lawrence and Kansas City on Kansas Highway 10 (K-10).
The middle school is on the south side of town. Turn left on Church Street if coming from K-10 from the Kansas City side. Turn right if coming from the Lawrence side. Second large school on the right (west) side.
Address of the Eudora Middle School is: 2635 Church St., P.O. Box 701. Eudora, KS 66025-0701
Admission is $5.00 for the show.
There will be plenty of quilts, plenty of vendors, charity quilt auction, opportunity quilt, famous garage sale, and many, many quilts from our featured quilter: Arlene Lawson
Show is held bi-annually. Come on in and take a look!
Once the quilt show is over, pictures of the quilts will be posted on the Eudora Quilting Bees website http://eudoraquiltingbees.shutterfly.com but it is SO MUCH BETTER to come see them in person!
Hope to see you all soon!